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  1. Meaning of Communication
  2. Types or Method of Communication
  3. Means of communication: post, telephone, World Wide Web and courier services.
  4. Importance of communication in business.
  5. Services provided by Communication Agencies (a) Postal and telegraphic services (b) Telephone and internet services (c) Courier services.



Communication can be defined as the giving and receiving of messages or information between two or more parties.  It is an aid to trade. For communication to be effective, it must be clearly received, understood and acted upon.

Communication involves the sender, the message being sent and the receiver.  This is illustrated below:

Information or Message


Communication is not a one-way affair.  The receiver also communicates the sender either directly or indirectly.


There are three types of communication namely:

  1. Oral communication: This includes face-to-face discussions, radio transmission, telephone discussions, lectures, etc
  2. Written Communication: Examples are writing letters, sending e-mails, report writing, newspapers, magazines, etc.
  3. Non-verbal Communication: This can be in form of silence, shaking of the head, sign language (for the deaf), raising your eyebrow, etc.


Means of communication can be broadly stated into 5 types: (a) Post (b) Telephone (c) World wide web (d) Courier service.

(a)..Post:- This is a process of sending letter, mail or documents through the Post Office. There are different types of letters e.g Ordinary, Express, and Registered letter. Others are Parcel post, speed post, Air mail, Business reply system, Surface mail, Recorded delivery, Telegram and Cable, Franking Machine, Telex, Fax, Private mail Bag and Post Office Box, Franking Machine and fax. In addition others are redirection of mails, and redelivery of letters and packets.

(b) Telephone:- This is the process of dialing someone either using wire or mobile phone. There are different types of wireless network, e.g Standard Trunk Dialing, International Subscribers Dialing, Local calls, Conference calls, Telex services. Mobile phone service providers are:- MTN, GLO, AIRTEL, ETISALAT VISAFONE and STARCOMMS.

(c) World wide web:- World wide web comprises of the internet, web site, intranet, satellite, e-mail, and on line chart.

(d)   Courier Service:- These are agencies noted for prompt service delivery. Examples of Courier agencies are NIPOST EMS, Red Star Express, UPS, TNT, DHL, Aramex, Federal Express, and IFEX. Other transportation agencies that have courier services are Peace Mass Transit, ABC, Chisco, Ekene dili chukwu, C.N Okoli, Delta Line, and Edo Line.


  1. Brings awareness of government policies, programmes, activities and other things happening around the world.
  2. It brings about closer contact between the buyer and the seller thereby enhancing business efficiency.
  3. It improves mail order business.
  4. It is an aid to trade.
  5. It improves chances of obtaining finance.
  6. It facilitates speedy delivery of goods
  7. It motivates staff or workers because they are stakeholders.
  8. Communication promotes advertisement which leads to quick sales and enhanced profit.
  9. Communication assists in economic development of a country.
  10. It ensures and guarantees business transactions without being on transit.

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