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WEEK 10                                                      



  1. Features in an e-mail address
  2. Differences between e-mail and website address feature
  3. Definition and Steps involved in Chatting


E-mail Addresses: an e-mail address is a combination of a user name and a domain name that identifies a user so he or she can receive internet e-mail. A user name is a unique combination of characters such as alphabets and numbers that identifies a specific user. It is unique addresses that are used to locate and identify someone’s email account on the internet. Every e-mail user has his or her unique address. Examples of an e-mail address are:,

Internet e-mail addresses usually have a form such as “” –where ‘editor ‘is the e-mail account name and is the domain identity of the computer hosting the account.

An email address is made up of the following four features;

(i)        The Username:  This is the first part of an email address, the name of the person or organization who owns the email address.

(ii)       The @ (at) sign:  This sign is used to link the username and the website that owns it.

(iii)      Host:  The name of the organization that maintains or owns the mail service, e.g Yahoo, Google, Hotmail, etc.

(iv)      Site type or Domain:  The website is registered in a domain with an extension. The extension is determined by the type of entity that owns the website. The table below gives some of the commonest domain names:

Domain Site’s type or Organisation
.edu Educational institutions
.com Commercial sites
‘org Organisations’ site
.mil US military site
.gov Government site
.net Network resources
.int International organizations like UN, WHO
.ac Academic resources

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