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 WEEK 9                                             MARKETING OF ANIMAL PRODUCTS.

Sub topic 1

Definition and importance of marketing

Agricultural Marketing involves all the stages of operations which aid the movement of agricultural produce/commodities from the farms to the final consumers. Marketing involves assembling, storing, transporting, processing, grading of goods and financing of all these activities. It also involves the supply of raw materials to processing industries and sales of processed products.

Importance of livestock marketing

  1. Marketing ensures availability of seasonal products at off season.
  2. It creates a link between Farmers and the final Consumers.
  3. Marketing locates areas of surplus products and relocate the excess products the areas of shortage.
  4. It leads to the creation of employment to the agents involved in marketing
  5. Marketing encourages healthy competition among producers which leads to improvement in quality of livestock produced.
  6. Marketing motivates the farmer to produce more.
  7. Marketing helps to determine the prices of goods and services through forces of demand and supply under the open market system.
  8. Marketing provides income from export trades which provides foreign exchange for importation of agricultural machineries and inputs.
  9. It helps to prevention of wastage of agricultural products

Stages of marketing

  1. Farm level processing
  2. Grading and sorting
  3. Packaging and so on…… Click on the DOWNLOAD FILE to gain full access.

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