The website has the complete lesson note for all the subjects in secondary school but this piece showcases the SS1 Civic Education Lesson Note on Roles of Government in UDHR. You can use the website search button to filter out the subject of interest to you.

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CONTENT: Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Government in UDHR.


Roles of Government in Promoting Human Rights:

  1. Government should Enact Laws that will protect and ensure that Human Rights and Freedom of Individuals are maintained.
  2. Government should Establish Agencies such as NAPTIP, National Human Rights Commission and Legal Aid Council.
  3. Government should Respect the Rule of Law especially in having regard for Court Order regarding the Rights of the people.
  4. Government should have regard for the independence of the Judiciary so as not to interfere with the judicial process.
  5. Government should ensure that freedom of the Press is guaranteed.
  6. Government should allow some Human Rights Organization such as Civic Liberty Organization, Amnesty International, etc. to defend the rights of the people.
  7. Fundamental Human Rights should be entrenched in the constitution to prevent the abuse of such rights.
  8. The Government of the day should avoid the use of their powers to rob or suppress the people’s fundamental human rights.
  9. Government should tackle problems threatening the people’s right to life and survival such as poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, etc.

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