The website has the complete lesson note for all the subjects in secondary school but this piece showcases the SS1 Biology Lesson Note on Tissue And Supporting Systems in Plant. You can use the website search button to filter out the subject of interest to you.

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CONTENT (a) Different types of supporting tissues (b) Functions of supporting tissues in plants.


Plants have various types of supporting tissues that make them up.  Like animals, these tissues help them to stand some meters above the ground without falling. They have definite shape, strength, rigidity and to resists external force like wind and water.

Tissues that give support to plants are

  1. Parenchyma
  2. Collenchyma,
  3. Sclerenchyma,
  4. Xylem,


  • Tissues made up of living unspecialized plant cells that are roughly spherical in shape
  • They are composed of mainly cellulose and a large vacuole containing cell sap
  • It gives rigidity to plants as a result of tightly packed cells.
  • Other tissues are derived from parenchyma.
  • They possess thin wall and are found in the cortex of stems, leaf mesophylls, and flesh of fruits.


  • Consist of living cells that are thickened at the corners.
  • Collenchyma cells are found beneath the epidermis in stems and petioles and around the veins in dicot leaves.
  • Usually polygonal elongated cells with tapering ends
  • It enable flexibility and resilience
  • Does not support secondary growth in plant


  • This is made up of cells impregnated with lignin that gives the plant hardness, rigidity and mechanical support.
  • They are made up of dead cells (fibres and sclereids/stone cells)
  • Fibres are made up of narrow polygonal elongated cells
  • It has thick secondary walls.
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  • It is the tissue that conducts water and mineral from the soil to the plant and vessels.
  • Xylem is made up of (a) fibres (b) vessels (c) tracheids and (d) parenchyma.
  • Has strengthening function that undergo secondary growth.

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