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The sectors can be divided into three segments

  • Primary sector
  • Secondary sector
  • Tertiary sector
  1. Primary Sector: This includes farming, fishing, forestry and mining


Agriculture can be simply referred to as the production of plants and animals for man’s consumption and industrial use. It is the oldest form of human activity in Nigeria.

It is from agricultural products that the people of Nigeria are fed, clothed and sheltered. Agriculture was the main stay of Nigeria economy before the discovery of crude on in large quantities in the 1960s. government has implanted various programmes to increase food production in the country. In 1978, Geneal Olusegun Obasanjo introduced operation feed the nation. President Sheu Shagari introduced green revolution. In 1981, Muhammed Buhari introduced back to Land 1984.

Importance of Agriculture

  • Provision of food e.g. yam, cocoyam, rice, beans etc.
  • Source of raw material
  • Provision of employment opportunity

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