The average seed rate for maize is 25 kg per hectare. Allowing for a seed wastage of 5 per cent. How many kilograms of seeds would be required in planting 10 hectares of farmland? by Sunday | Jul 10 | Agricultural Science WAEC | 0 comments A. 237.5 B. 238.0 C. 250.0 D. 255.0 E. 262.5 Correct Answer: Option E – 262.5 Users Also Read These:If maize seed is sown at a spacing of 100cm x 50cm;…If a crop requires 1.5kg phosphorus per hectare, how…If the seed rate for guinea corn is 5.6 kg per…If the ginning percentage of the samaru variety of…If 200kg of NPK fertilizer is required for an…