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Interpersonal relationship is a type/act/process of interaction between two or more people in society for the promotion of peaceful co-existence and other related benefit.

It simply means relationship that exists between two parties. It is a relatively long-term association that may be based on emotions like love and liking, regular business interactions, or some other type of social commitment. It could also be said to be a mutual or cordial relationship that exist between people despite race, age, colour, tribe, political, social or religious affiliation.

Interpersonal relationships take place in a great variety of contexts, such as family, friendship, marriage, acquaintances, work, clubs, neighbourhoods, and places of worship. This interpersonal relationship may be regulated by law, custom or mutual agreement or society as a whole. Although human beings are fundamentally social beings, interpersonal relationships may not always be cordial or healthy. Unhealthy interpersonal relationships are those laden with frictions, quarrel and misunderstanding as well as those based on crime and other anti-social behaviours.

Good, healthy, true and sincere interpersonal relationships help to promote cordial relationship, peaceful and mutual co-existence, and tolerance for one another, harmony, concord and understanding in the society, all round well-being and the development of the society.

Interpersonal relationship can take the form of:

  1. Co-operation: This is having the ability and willingness to work together to achieve a common goal. This is very necessary to promote a peaceful and a happy society.
  2. Competition: This is a social situation in which people and organizations contest or compete with each other to obtain what may not be available for everyone in the society. It can also be a circumstance in which people compete to determine the best at something. Competition can be positive, healthy and pleasant or negative, unhealthy and unpalatable a times. It can be about joy as well as sadness.
  3. Conflict: This refers to a state of disagreement, quarrel and confusion. Emotions, temper and hot anger rises when there is conflict that can result into violence. Conflict can be triggered off as a result of Domination, Deprivation, Envy, Ethnicity, Rivalry, Bribery and Corruption, Neglect, Religious bigotry, Marginalization, Cheating and lack of trust.

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