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TOPIC: The major Pillars of Democracy


  • Federalism
  • State and Local governments.

Sub-Topic 1: Federalism

Federalism is a system of government, which divides government powers among the tiers of governments. In a federal system, there are three tiers of government, namely:

  1. Federal government
  2. State government
  3. Local government

Federal government

The federal government is the first tier of government. It oversees and regulates the actions of other tiers of government. The federal government exercise control over the exclusive list such as foreign affairs, currency, defense, immigration, mines and power, petroleum, etc.

Function of the federal government

  1. It ensures even development of the various parts of the country
  2. It allocates resources to the state and local government
  3. It formulates policies on foreign trade
  4. It maintains internal defense and protects the nation from external attacks
  5. It maintains diplomatic relations with international community
  6. It exercises control over the exclusive list as contained in the constitution.

State government

The state government is the second tier of government. It is headed by the governor who is the chief executive of the state, assisted by the deputy governor and other government functionaries. The state governor performs some functions under the concurrent list such as education, agriculture, public service, transportation, health etc.

Functions of the state government

  1. It checks the powers of local government authority.

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