The website has the complete lesson note for all the subjects in secondary school but this piece showcases the SS1 Civic Education Lesson Note on Majority Rule with Adequate Safeguards of Rights of the Minorities. You can use the website search button to filter out the subject of interest to you.

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In a democratic system leader are voted into power through its most popular principle known as majority rule; that is, the side with the most votes wins the election.

Indeed, the majority vote decides who should form the government. So, when it is said that “the people have spoken” or the “people’s will should be respected, the people are generally expressed through its majority.

If majority rule continues to be the only expression of supreme power in a democracy, then the rights of the minority will be abused and violated continually.

Therefore, the minority must have the right to seek and possess all the rights necessary to compete fairly in elections such as freedom of speech, assembly, association and petition malpractices, otherwise, the majority would make itself permanent and become dictatorship.

Factors that bring about minorities in society

The minorities refer to a relatively small group of people within a community or country that is different because of race, religion, language, opinion, political conviction, etc. Such group may feel inferior or cheated or neglected in the distribution of amenities, employment, offices, etc

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The factors that bring about minority groups include:

  1. Boundary adjustments.
  2. Creation of local government areas or states.
  3. Beliefs, languages and superstitions.
  4. Formation of political parties, clubs and organizations, etc
  5. Illiteracy and ignorance
  6. Choice of subjects and poor education.

Adequate Safeguard for the Minority Group

The following must be done to ensure adequate safeguard for the Minority Groups:

  1. Adequate provision of social amenities in the state to bring about even distribution of all essential needs of life to all and sundry.
  2. Free and quality education should be given to all the citizens with special attention given to the minority groups.
  3. There should be legislative provision in the constitution for the rights and privileges of the minority groups in the country to be protected.
  4. Employment opportunities should be made available for the minority groups to enable them fill their own quota.
  5. A department or commission should be created both at the state and federal levels to carter for the interests of the minority group.
  6. Government should take caution in the creation of more state and local government areas so that the call for more states and local government creation will not lead to the creation of bigger problems.
  7. Boundary adjustment should be done based on natural landmarks such as language, common origin, traditions, geographical factors and interests.

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