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TOPICS:  Meaning and Importance of Agriculture

CONTENTS— I. Definition

  1. Meaning

                        iii. Importance

Sub-topic 1:

Meaning Of Agriculture:

Agricultural science is a subject that deals with the planting of crops, rearing of animals as well as the provision of raw materials for industries.

Agriculture is derived from two latin words ‘Ager’(field) and ‘Cultura’(cultivation). Literally it means field cultivation.

Agriculture is as old as the existence of man. It s regarded as the mother of all other occupations. It is the live-blood of the nation’s economy

Branches of Agriculture:

The scope and branches (areas of specialization) of agriculture includes:

1.Basic agriculture or agricultural education,

  1. Animal science or animal husbandry or animal production,

iii. Soil Science,

  1. Crop Production:
  • Agronomy (study of crops)
  • Pathology (study of crop diseases)
  • Entomology (study of insect pests of crops)
  1. Horticulture:

– Pomology (deals with fruits)

– Olericulture (deals with vegetables) ….

  1. Basic agriculture/agricultural education: deals with the study of agricultural science as a subject i.e the teaching of agriculture in schools. A specialist in this area is called agricultural science teacher/lecturer.
  2. Animal science Or Animal Husbandry Or Animal Production: deals with the study of the various farm animals. A specialist in this area is called animal scientist.
  3. Soil science: this addresses the study of soil appearance, composition and nature of soil. A specialist in this area is called a soil scientist .

4.Crop Production: deals with the study of the various type of crops that are cultivated farmers. A specialist in this area is called a …… (Download this file to continue the access)


Agriculture plays an importance role in the development of any nation. It is the mainstay of Nigeria’s economy.

Agriculture is important to the individual, the community and to the nation


Provision of food for man and feed for animals:

Products from agriculture are used for feeding man and  animals. Agriculture provides food inform of maize, rice, meat, fish, eggs either in raw or processed form

Provision of income for famers :  The sales of agricultural products such as (Download this file to continue the access)


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