Physics practical is arguably the most technical practical for science students and many students would consider into formulating result which can never help them. The short article is aimed at itemizing reasons why candidates fail 2019 physics WAEC practical and at the same time, outline the way forward for the prospective candidates.

Candidates weakness

The following were observed as the candidates’ weaknesses. Inability to:

  1. read measurements made from instruments like metre rule, stop watch, thermometer, ammeter, voltmeter, protractor, etc to the required accuracy of each instrument;
  2. express their calculations to the required number of decimal places (d.p) or significant figures (s.f);
  3. approximate values of variables used for plotting of graph;
  4. to start graph from origin (0,0) when required;
  5. to determine the slope and intercept;
  6. express in acceptable language;
  7. write data in the composite table
  8. to compute and evaluate properly.

Suggested Remedies

The following remedies were proffered:

  1. Teachers should expose potential candidates to practical work early enough;
  2. Physics should be allotted more time in the school time table;
  3. Adequate apparatus should be provided in the laboratory;
  4. Teachers should endeavor to attend WAEC coordination and marking exercise to acquire more experience;
  5. Adequate teachers should be employed to teach students from SSI to SS3;
  6. Teachers should be subjected to rigorous in-service training to improve and acquaint themselves with the latest knowledge in science.

Candidate’ Strengths

Candidates exhibited improvement in:

  1. preparing composite tables with all columns carrying title/heading and units
  2. stating correctly units of variables measured
  3. choice of reasonable scales in plotting graph;
  4. distinguishing between axes correctly
  5. state precautions in an acceptable language
  6. determine the slope and intercept of the graph
  7. deducing from the graph.

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