This content is just an excerpt from the complete lesson note for Primary Six Second Term Christian Religious Knowledge (CRK) Lesson Note. Check the link attached to download the complete lesson note << DOWNLOAD FILE >> 






  1. Types of Goal setting
  2. Importance of goal setting. Luke 14: 27 – 28
  3. Basic steps for achieving goals. Luke 14: 29 – 33


At the end of this Module, Pupils should be able to:

  • Know the meaning of goal
  • Know the Types of Goal setting
  • Know the Importance of goal setting.
  • Know the Basic steps for achieving goals


  • The Holy Bible
  • My Book Of Bible Stories


  • The Holy Bible.
  • My Book of Bible Stories.
  • Universal Basic Education Curriculum.
  • Unified Schemes of Work Primary Schools for Christian religious studies (MIDDLE BASIC)
  • NERDC Basic Education Curriculum for primary schools.
  • Christian Religious Studies for Primary Schools.

ENTRY BEHAVIOUR/ PREVIOUS LESSON: The students are familiar with.


Memory verse:  psalms 20: 4

Bible references:  Luke 14: 27 – 33      

Goal Setting

A goal is a plan someone hopes to achieve within a certain period of time while goal setting is a guide for achieving one’s plans within a certain period of time. To achieve anything in life, there must be a plan and with God on our side, we will achieve the goals.

                          TYPES OF GOALS

We have short –term goals and long- term goals.

SHORT TERM GOALS are what we want to achieve in a short period of time e.g in a day, in a week or in a month.

LONG – TERM GOALS refers to what we want to achieve in a long period of time, e.g. in a year, in three years, in twenty years or more than that.

Importance of Goal setting

Goal setting help us to:

  • Helps us to accomplish what we want.
  • Makes us happy when we achieves the set goal.
  • To add value to our life.
  • Makes us productive.

Steps for achieving goals

The first step in achieving your goal is prayer; you must pray for God’s help.

When you have prayed, write down your goal. This is important so that you do not forget what you have set out to achieve. The second step is to write down the things you need to do to achieve the goal. What would it take to achieve that goal? This second step is a very important one because it really serves as a guide towards achieving the goal. For example, for the short-term goal of paying attention in class, the steps could be:

  1. Tell your friends that you intend to pay attention to the teachers and what they are saying.
  2. Sit quietly during classes and do not get up throughout each class.
  3. Do not talk to others while the teacher is talking.
  4. Ask questions when you need to understand something better.
  5. Write down notes.
  6. Do the class exercises.

The third step is to check or review your progress.

This is where you check to see if all the things you are doing to guide you to achieve your goals are really helping you to achieve them. Still using our short-term goal example of paying attention in class, you will know that the steps are working if you find yourself more attentive in class, because you did the things you wrote down to be the guidelines you needed to do.

The fourth step is to continue the steps until you reach or achieve your goal.

Prayers: O lord, help us to set good goal and achieve Jesus name. Amen.


  • The Teacher revises the previous term lessons (revision of last term’s work)
  • Teacher leads the pupils to understand GOAL SETTINGS
  • The teacher explains the meaning of goal and goal settings.
  • The teacher explain the types of Goals
  • Teacher leads pupils to mention steps on how to achieve their goals.


  • What is Goal and Goal setting?
  • We have ———- types of Goals.
  • Differentiate between long term and short term goals
  • Mention steps to achieve a goal.

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