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Classification of Insect pests based on the Location

Based on their location, insect pests can be divided into three groups:

  1. Field pests
  2. Field to store pests
  3. Storage pests


  1. Field pests: These are pests that attack the growing crops on the field.

Examples are grasshoppers, mealy bugs, locusts etc.

  1. Field-to-store pests: These are pests that attack the crops from the field and then accompany them to the store house.

Examples are maize weevil (Sitophilus maydis), rice weevil (Sitophilus oryza), beans or cowpea beetle (Callosobruchus maculatus)

  • Storage pests: They are the pests that attack the stored produce.

Examples are maize weevil, rice weevil, yam beetle, bean or cowpea beetle etc.

Non- insect Pests/Vertebrate pests

These are bigger pests with backbone. They are few in number when compare to insect pests. They attack crops on the field while some e.g rats attack store products.

Examples of vertebrate pests include

  1. Mammals: They contaminate grains with feaces and urine and transmit diseases e.g rodents (grasscutters, squirrels, mice, rats, wild rabbits etc.), monkeys, goats, sheep, lizards.
  2. Birds and bats: They are important pests of cereals and fruit crops e. g weaver birds, bush fowl, doves, parrots, fruit bat etc.
  3. Snail: They are non-mammal pests that feed on the leaves of plants especially seedlings and vegetables thereby, reducing their photosynthetic ability.
  4. Nematodes are worms that live in the soil e.g eel worm.


  • Define the term pest.
  • List the groups of insect pests based on their mouthparts and give two examples of each.
  • Give one example of a storage pest of cowpea.

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