The website has the complete lesson note for all the subjects in secondary school but this piece showcases the Lesson Note On The Classification Of Crops Based On Crop Plant Forms. You can use the website search button to filter out the subject of interest to you.

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Dicotyledonous plants

These are plants with two seed leaves or cotyledons. They include most trees e.g. kola, cocoa, cashew, orange, mango, guava, pawpaw, silk cotton, Iroko, most vegetables e.g tomato, okro, melon, pepper, roots and tubers e.g cassava, sweet potato, yam, etc and legumes such as soya-beans, cowpea, groundnuts, pigeon pea, etc.

Characteristics of dicotyledons plants

  1. Germination of seed is epigeal i.e the cotyledon is raised above the soil surface.
  2. Flowers are usually colourful, attractive and scented.
  3. They have two seed leaves or cotyledons.
  4. They possess a taproot system.
  5. Leaves are short and broad.
  6. Leaves are with net veination.
  7. Have leaf stalk or petiole.
  8. Possesses a main stem with several branches.
  9. Flowers are usually pollinated by insects and other animals.
  10. The stem has vascular bundles in ring form.


  1. Give five examples each of monocots and dicots
  2. State three characteristics each of monocots and dicots

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