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TOPIC: Classes and Uses of crops

Sub-topic: Crop plant forms ;(i) Parts of Flowering Plant and  Their Functions.

CONTENT: (a) Crop plant forms ;(i) Parts of Flowering Plant and  Their Functions.

Sub-topic 1:

A flowering plant is made up of two parts

  1. The root system
  2. The shoot system

The Flower

The flower contains the reproductive parts of the plant. The male reproductive part of the flower is called the stamen. Each stamen is made up of an anther containing pollen grains and a filament. The anther is attached to the flower through the filament.

The female reproductive parts of the flower are the ovary, style, and stigma.

The ovary contains small undeveloped seeds called ovules.

Functions of the flower

  1. The main function of the flower is that it is responsible for the production of fruits and seeds through sexual propagation.
  2. The attraction of insects for pollination.

The Fruit and seed

Fruit and seed are formed through pollination and fertilization.

Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther of a flower to the stigma of the same flower (self-pollination) or of another flower of the same or related species, either by insects or by the wind. While fertilization is the fusion (joining together) of male and female gametes.

After successful pollination and fertilization, the ovary will develop into a fruit and the ovules will develop into a seed.

Important Terms

  1. Node: Part of the stem from where a leaf, branch, or aerial root grows
  2. Internode: The area of the stem between any two nodes.
  3. Bud: A small part that grows on a plant and develops into a flower, leaf, or new branch.
  4. Petiole (Leaf stalk): Part of the leaf that joins the leaf to the stem.
  5. Axil: This is the angle between the upper side of the stem and the petiole.
  6. Axillary bud: A dormant very small plant found in the axil.
  7. Terminal/apical bud: A similar structure at the top end of the stem. New leaves usually form around the terminal bud.

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