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  • Definition of Blue Print
  • Drawing as a language
  • Reading a building plan

Sub-Topic 1: Definition of Blue Print  

A blue print is a set of approved building drawings necessary to be put in place before construction commences. It is drawn by a draftsman or an architect on transparent paper and later printed on paper. Blue print is the means of communication between the builders and the architects. Blue prints are the complete drawings builders use at their building sites to build. Blue prints are also called working drawings. While the blue print is made by the architect, it is the duty of the builder to interpret it correctly. Mistakes or errors could be too costly; therefore, blue reading requires high-level knowledge of architectural and engineering drawings. It also requires ability to understand measurements and to measure accurately. An example of blueprint is the building plan, shown below:

Drawing As a Language

Technical drawing is a universal language used for communication among technical people. Building design is done by written language in codes and symbols. The language of lines must be under stood first before the understanding of codes and symbols.

Types and Uses of Lines in Technical Drawing:

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