The website has the complete lesson note for all the subjects in secondary school but this piece showcases the JSS3 Business Studies Lesson Note on Advertising. You can use the website search button to filter out the subject of interest to you.

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  1. Meaning of Advertising
  2. Types of Advertising
  3. Functions of Advertising
  4. Forms of Advertising media:-Radio, Television, Newspapers, Magazines, Handbills, Internet, Bill Boards,etc.
  5. Advertising Ethics and jingles.



Advertising means calling the attention of members of the public (audience) to a product, service or an idea in order to encourage them to buy.


  1. Informative Advertising: This is designed to make members of the public aware of new facts and about what they have not heard of before. This type of advertising is mostly used to call the attention of the audience to the existence of new goods, products and services in the market.
  2. Persuasive Advertising: This calls on the people to buy and use a product or service irrespective of what their attitude may be towards such a product or service. Various devices and well chosen words are used to make people believe in the advertising appeal. It attempts to convince the audience that one`s product is better than the other.
  3. Competitive Advertising: This type of advertising seeks to persuade the consumer to use a particular type of product in preference to another. It is mostly to advertise goods that have many substitutions e.g detergents, toilet-soaps, beer, tooth-pastes, etc. It can be used to break through a monopoly.
  4. Indirect, Generic or Mass Advertising: Mass advertising takes place when producers of a particular line of goods decide to advertise for the general use of such goods without mentioning a particular brand.
  5. Specific or direct Advertising: This directs the appeal on a particular brand of goods or services.


  1. It helps to inform the public (potential consumers) about the availability of new products, services and the continued existence of older ones.
  2. It increases the market share of the company`s product
  3. It informs and educates the consumers about the use of a product or service
  4. Advertising informs people where to obtain goods and services
  5. It ensures frequent use of goods reminds customers and sustains demand
  6. Advertising improves the quality of goods and services
  7. It provides employment opportunities
  8. It enhances the turnover of the firm
  9. It promotes the image of the firm.

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