The website has the complete lesson note for all the subjects in secondary school but this piece showcases the JSS3 Basic Science Lesson Note on Sound Energy. You can use the website search button to filter out the subject of interest to you.

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  1. Production of sound
  2. Transmission of sound
  3. Reflection of sound
  4. Hearing


Sound is a physical phenomenon that stimulates the sense of hearing. In humans, hearing takes place whenever vibrations of frequencies from 15 Hertz to about 20,000 hertz reach the inner ear.  The range of frequencies is known as audio frequencies. Sound is a form of energy (wave motion) which is transmitted through an elastic medium from a vibrating body to a listener.

Sound may be defined as a sensation produced through the organs of hearing. Every sound is produced by a vibrating body.


Sound is a form of wave motion which is conveyed through an elastic medium from a vibrating body to a listener. The state of compression is passed on and spread rapidly outwards in much the same way as ripples spread out over the surface of water in water waves. Sound is a compression wave. The sensation of hearing results when such waves strike the ear. Sound waves can travel through solids and liquids as well as gases such as air.

Properties of Sound Energy

  1. Sound moves or travels in the form of waves.
  2. Sound requires a material medium to transmit the vibration to the ear
  3. Sound waves can be reflected by hard surfaces as in echoes.


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