The website has the complete lesson note for all the subjects in secondary school but this piece showcases the JSS3 Basic Science Lesson Note on Resources From Animals. You can use the website search button to filter out the subject of interest to you.

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Animals that commonly provide us with food are of three main types;

  • Livestock Animals: This group consists of animals like cows, goats, sheep and pigs. They provide us with meat, milk and butter. In addition, they provide hides and skins which we use for leather goods (bags, shoes, purses, belts, drums, garments). The word ‘hide’ refers to skin of large animals like cattle (also horses and camels); and ‘skin’ refers to the skin of smaller animals like goats, sheep, rabbits, pigs. We use animal bones and horns for furniture, glue, and some other things. Their faeces are used as manure to improve the growth of plants (food crops).
  • Poultry Animals: This group consists of poultry birds – chicken, guinea fowl, duck, goose, pigeon, turkey etc. They provide us with meat and eggs. We also use their feathers in pillows and for decoration. Their droppings are used as manure on farms and garden.
  • Aquatic Animals: The third group consists of animals that live in water; fish, prawns, crayfish and crabs (some crabs also live on land). We use them for food. They provide us with proteins, minerals and vitamins.

Apart from providing us with food, animals also provide other useful things already listed, animals provide glue (from their bones), wool and fur (from their coats) and ivory (from elephants’ tusks) used in making some kinds of furniture and hide use in making shoes and belt.


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