The website has the complete lesson note for all the subjects in secondary school but this piece showcases the JSS2 Cultural and Creative Art (CCA) Lesson Note on Principles of Art. You can use the website search button to filter out the subject of interest to you.

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  • Definition of Principles of Art.
  • Details on Harmony, variety, balance, proportion, dominance, rhythm, repetition, graduation and overlapping.

Meaning/Definition of Principles of Art

Principles of art are rules guiding the use and arrangement of elements of art to achieve order and unity in artwork. The combination of the principles of art is essential in a work of art because it helps the artist to achieve harmony.

Examples of the principles are variety, balance, rhythm, proportion, dominance, repetition, graduation, overlapping and harmony.

  1. HARMONY/UNITY:-This is the agreement of all elements in an art composition. It suggests satisfaction in design.
  2. VARIETY/CONTRAST:– It is the art of using different element or varying the sizes of the elements of design. The objects in a design are not always of the same colour or size but are varied.
  3. BALANCE: –it is the equal distribution of elements like colour, shape, line, value etc to achieve a balance in design. This is the most fundamental of the principles of art.
  4. RHYTHM :-It is a continuous repetition of elements in design which reflect a specific flow pattern.
  5. DOMINANCE:It is the principle of art which refers to the use of an element like colour or shape more constantly in a design than the other. It is the centre of interest in a design.
  1. PROPORTION:This is the relationship between the various components of an art work, it involves the proper distribution of elements in such a way that one part will not be too crowded while there is an empty space on the other side.

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