The website has the complete lesson note for all the subjects in secondary school but this piece showcases the JSS2 Civic Education Lesson Note on The Procedure and Importance for Voting. You can use the website search button to filter out the subject of interest to you.

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(e) The procedure for voting.

(f) Importance of election

Procedure For Voting

  1. The first step is to register all eligible voters before the actual election and also revise those registers.
  2. Next is to fix the date of the election.
  3. Appointment of ad-hoc staff to be used by the electoral commission. Those officers must be well trained.
  4. Posting of these electoral officers to the different locations where they will serve.
  5. Pasting of posters of Electoral Commission at the various places for enlightenment purposes.
  6. Distribution of electoral materials to the various stations.
  7. The actual voting will commence at the various stations.
  8. The final thing is the counting of vote and declaration of election results by the returning officer.

(f)    Importance Of Election

  1. Election serves as a peaceful way of changing government form one regime to the other.
  2. Election will enable the government to know the mind of the people and this is called public opinion.
  3. Election also serves as a forum for political education as it affords voters the opportunity of learning the electoral process.
  4. Election will also make the government in power to be a legitimate one that is coming from the people.
  5. Election will make also the government in power to know how popular their programmes are.
  6. It also promotes political accountability because the elected representatives will give account of their service to the people especially for renewal of mandate.
  7. Election will also promote healthy competition between the contesting parties.
  8. People are also able to express their voting right as it will give them opportunity to vote for the candidates of their choice.
  9. Election promotes spirit of competition. Where competition is healthy, it makes way for efficiency.

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