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Speech Work: Consonants /∫/ and /Ӡ/

Structure: Tenses: Future Tenses (making sentences with the future tense). Comprehension/Vocabulary Development: Writing Skill: Giving Specific Answers to a Given Passage

Composition: Formal letters – Guided writing: arrangement of ideas in logical sequence; Literature: Features/Themes of Myths and Legends (Magic, Supernatural, and Superstition).

ASPECT: Speech Work
TOPIC: Consonants /∫/ and /Ӡ/
/ʃ/- This is a voiceless palato-alveolar fricative. Word examples are shoe, sheep, share, dish, passion, douche, mission, champagne, sure, sugar, ruche, chauffeur, Chicago, reschedule.

/Ӡ/ – This consonant is a voiced palato-alveolar fricative which has the same process of articulation as /ʃ/ except that the vocal cords vibrate as it is produced. In other words, /Ӡ/ is the voiced counter-part of the voiceless /ʃ/. It is important to note that /Ӡ/ does not usually occur at the beginning of end of a word except in a few words of French origin. The spelling symbols for /Ӡ/ are as follows:

s as in usual, measure, leisure,

z as in seizure,

si as in vision, cohesion, erosion, decision, evasion, confusion

Contrast of:

/ʃ/ /
sure genre
sharpen gigolo
ship gigue
bash beige
rush Rouge
finish barrage

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