The website has the complete lesson note for all the subjects in secondary school but this piece showcases the JSS1 Business Studies Lesson Note on Introduction to Business Studies. You can use the website search button to filter out the subject of interest to you.

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  • Meaning and Scope of Business Studies
  • Importance of business studies
  • Components of business studies: Office practice, Commerce, Financial Accounting/Book Keeping, Computer studies, Keyboarding/Typewriting
  • Career Opportunities

 Meaning of Business Studies

Business Studies may be defined as a combination of inter-related business subjects which lead to learning of basic knowledge and skills.  It is a course in education that is designed to cover the basic elementary knowledge and skills in organizing business enterprises as well as general office administration.

Importance of Business Studies

  • Acquisition of basic knowledge of Business Studies.
  • The development of basic skills in office practice.
  • The preparation of students for further learning in Business Studies
  • The provisions of orientation and skills for those who undergo further training in order to enable them start a life of work.
  • The provision of basic skills for personal use in future.
  • Relating the knowledge and skills to the national economy.
  • Update knowledge on current information technology e.g. Internet, E-mail, fax and computer communication.

Components of Business Studies

Business Studies as a subject has an inter-related areas of study such as Office Practice, Book-keeping, Commerce, keyboarding and Computer studies which function at the same time when an enterprise is established. These inter-related areas of study are also called the Inter-related Elements of Business Studies. There are five components of Business Studies.

  • Office Practice: This is to acquire skills for the purpose of office occupation and administrations.
  • Commerce: It involves the production, exchange, distribution of goods and services in the organization.
  • Book-keeping: This is for keeping records of all financial transaction of the organization.
  • Typewriting/Keyboarding: it is for the preparation and production of office documents in the organization.  Keyboarding is the technique of using the computer or typewriter keyboard to produce printed information in hard or soft copy. Hard copy refers to information on paper while soft copy refers to information on the computer storage device
  • Computer studies: this deals with the use of computers and how it processes data, solve a specific problem or carry out a particular task.

Career Opportunity in Business Studies

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