The website has the complete lesson note for all the subjects in secondary school but this piece showcases the JSS1 Business Studies Lesson Note on Honesty in Business. You can use the website search button to filter out the subject of interest to you.

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  • Meaning of truthfulness,
  • Attributes of truthfulness, steadfastness and straight forward.
  • Factors that cause people to lie
  • Rewards for being truthful.
  • Consequences of not being truthful.
  • Meaning of fair play.
  • Attributes of fair play.

Meaning and Characteristics Of Truthfulness.

Honesty is the quality of being truthful and trustworthy. To be honest is to tell the truth at all times even at personal risk to oneself. Honesty in business is also known as ethical behavior in business.

Truthfulness means: making true statement about something or somebody. It is very important for developing trust and building lasting relationships among people both in and outside the business. It helps people to be objective and lead to confidence and trust between/among business associates. A person who is not truthful is said to be dishonest or untruthful.


  1. Consistent behaviour: it is being able to maintain a particular standard that one has been known for. It means one is reliable and can therefore be trusted in all circumstances and by everyone concerned.
  2. Steadfastness: This means, the quality of being firm in one’s dealing with people. Those who are steadfast are loyal, they can be depended upon in all situation.
  3. Straightforwardness: it is the ability to be honest and frank.
  4. Integrity: is the quality of being honest and having strong moral and ethical principles.
  5. Other attributes of truthfulness include responsibility, courage and accountability, credibility, objectivity, trustworthiness and sincerity.


A lie is a false statement deliberately told to be true in order to give a wrong impression about something.  People lie:

  1. To escape punishment
  2. To make gain
  3. To get other people’s attention or sympathy or boost one’s ego
  4. To make one look more interesting to others by exaggerating, bragging or boasting.
  5. To cover up their past
  6. To cover up lies
  7. To cover up the truth
  8. To avoid hurting other people’s feeling
  9. Out of ignorance
  10. To avoid embarrassment
  11. To avoid work or taking part in an assignment
  12. To keep secrets
  13. To keep themselves safe
  14. To keep a friend from trouble



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