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TOPIC: WOODWORK HAND TOOLS:  Measuring and marking out tools


  • Classes of wood work hand tools
  • Measuring tools
  • Setting and marking out tools


SUB-TOPIC 1: Classes of wood work hand tools

There are six classes of wood work hand tools.

They are:

  1. Measuring tools
  2. Marking out/ setting out tools
  3. Work holding tools
  4. Boring tools
  5. Cutting and paring tools
  6. Driving tools.


A very vital tool in the wood workshop upon which operations such as sawing, drilling, planning, chiseling and boring are all carried out.

Work bench fittings are:

  1. Bench Stop is a provision made to prevent the work piece from slipping off the top surface of the work bench during planning.
  2. Bench Hook is a device used to hold the job (or work piece) down during sawing or chiseling.
  3. Bench Vice

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