The content is just an excerpt from the complete note for JSS 1 Third Term Agricultural Science Lesson NoteDescription of the Damage Done by Pests and Effects of Crop Pests on Yield. Check below to download the complete PDF



  1. Description of the damage done by pests
  2. Effects of crop pests on yield

Sub-Topic1: Description of the damage done by pests

Crop pests do a lot of damage to crops either on the farm or in the store. The damages done by pests include:

  • Some insect pests are carriers of diseases which they transmit to healthy plants.

Examples of diseases transmitted by insect are: ground nut rosette, cassava mosaic, swollen shoot of cocoa, etc.

  • Mammals (rodents) e.g rats, grass-cutter eat up the tubers of yam, cassava and potato.
  • The birds destroy rice, sorghum, beans, maize and fruits at various stages of their growth on the farm.


S/N        Crop Pest Crop(S) Damaged Nature of Damage Caused /Effects on Crops
1. Grasshoppers/locust Cassava, yam, cowpea ·  They eat vegetative parts of plants such as leaves, stems, fruits and flowers

·  They reduce the rate of photosynthesis

·  They reduce growth and yield.


1.      Aphids Cowpea, soya beans, cocoa, kola, rubber, groundnut, lettuce, etc. ·  They pierce plant part and suck sap and juice.

·  They transmit virus diseases.

·  They produce honey dew which spreads on the leaf and as such disturbs photosynthetic ability.


Sub-Topic:  2. Effects of crop pests on yield.

  1. Heavy attack by pests may result in total crop failure.
  2. Infected seeds, crops, and vegetables have low market value.
  • Pests reduce the quality of crops



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