(i) Plantation Agriculture: Plantation agriculture has the following characteristics:

(a) It involves cultivation of large acreage of land, hence the scale of production is large
(b) In most cases, plantation agriculture involves cultivation of permanent or cash crops.
(c) The method of production is mechanization and modern techniques of production.
(d) Plantations are either owned by the government, private individuals or corporate bodies.
(e) Production is for the market or exports.

(ii) Subsistence Agriculture involves the Following:

(a) Cultivation of small acreage of land hence a small scale production
(b) Production of food crops only
(c) Production is essentially to meet the need of the immediate family
and not necessarily for the market.
(d) There is the adoption of crude technology and the use of traditional methods.
(e) Subsistence farms are owned by individuals who are the owners of the family land on which agriculture is practiced.

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