The website has the complete lesson note for all the subjects in secondary school but this piece showcases the Lesson Note on the Land and Its Uses For SS1. You can use the website search button to filter out the subject of interest to you.

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CONTENT:  (a) Meaning and Characteristics of land

(b)Uses of land: Agricultural purposes-crop production, wildlife conservation

(c)  Non-Agricultural Purposes: industry-Housing, transport etc.

Sub-topic 1: MEANING OF LAND

Land can be defined as the solid parts of the earth’s surface which comprise of water, air , soil, rocks, minerals, natural vegetation and animals and suitable for agricultural production. It can also be defined as : the uppermost layer of the earth crust on which agricultural and non-agricultural activities are carried out.

Characteristics of land.

  1. Land is a free gift of nature
  2. it is immobile
  3. limited in supply
  4. It is a factor of agricultural production.
  5. Land can appreciate and depreciate over time
  6. It is heterogeneous in quality. i.e. it differs in one place to the another in area of the topography, texture, structure, fertility etc.
  7. The reward for land is rent.

Classification of land based on use :  Land can be classified based on the uses they are put into. Thus we have:

  • AGRICULTURAL LAND.– These includes land for
  • Crop production,
  • Livestock production, and
  • Forestry
  • Wildlife conservation

Uses of   Land for Agricultural Production

 (1)Production of Crops: Land is used for producing both food crops like yam, maize, rice, cassava, cowpea etc and cash crops like cocoa, rubber, oil palm, cotton etc. land used for these activities is usually fertile

  Importance or merits of production crops: The importance of crops include

  • Provision of food.
  • Provision of employment,
  • Provision of income.
  • Provision of raw materials
  • It aids the development of towns
  • Some crops are sources of foreign exchange

(2) Production of Livestock: Land is used for rearing and grazing for various types of livestock like cattle, goats, sheep, poultry, fishery piggery, for apiculture and for heliculture.

Importance or merits of livestock. The production of livestock enables man to derive the following benefits:

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