As a science student, you have no short cut rather than to be attentive in chemistry classes and even practical classes. As crucial as the subject is to science students, many still fail and reasons why Candidates fail WAEC Chemistry 2019 theory will be considered in this article.

  1. Some of the weaknesses observed were:
  2. did not understand the demands of the questions
  3. exhibited poor communication skill
  4. wrote trivial names instead of formulae
  5. lacked adequate knowledge of chemical concepts
  6. could not write simple half reaction equation
  7. could not recognize redox reactions
  8. could not draw correct and workable diagram for the preparation of chlorine gas in the laboratory
  9. could not write the correct formula of a compound

WAEC Recommendations by the Chief Examiner

As you can see, some of the reasons are avoidable and you are therefore counselled to take to the remedies while preparing for the next WAEC examination. Below are the remedies….

  1. identify the basic requirements of each question before answering
  2. learn to use the appropriate technical terms when required
  3. improve on their communication skills
  4. write correct and complete definitions when required
  5. be familiar with the examination syllabus
  6. learn how to write and balance chemical equations correctly
  7. learn how to write IUPAC names of compounds correctly
  8. learn how to explain concepts using the appropriate technical terms.

Candidates’ strength during the Examination

The candidates perform very well in questions testing the following topics:

  1. could identify the conditions for cracking long chain hydrocarbons to produce gasoline
  2. state the reasons for electroplating
  3. state one drying agent for hydrogen chloride gas
  4. could state one similarity and one difference between the isotopes of chlorine
  5. could describe the manufacture of H2SO4 by contact process and wrote the relevant equations for the reactions
  6. could state the uses of SO2
  7. mention the ore of aluminium
  8. name the products obtained from the destructive distillation of coal.

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