There may be many reasons that made students to fail which are believed to be personal, meanwhile, this article will consider Reasons Why Candidates Fail 2014 Animal Husbandry WAEC Theory as given by the Exam Council. They are:

The candidates were unable to:

  1. state the methods of removing specimen A(Horn) from animals;
  2. give the reasons why specimen A(Horn) may be removed from an animal mention the methods of preserving specimen B (Fresh meat);
  3. give the uses of specimens D(Sickle), E (Feeding trough) and G(Knife);
  4. name the major nutrients found in specimens J (Groundnut cake) and K(Bone meal) and their functions;
  5. mention the benefits of planting specimens L (Elephant grass) and M (Calopogonium) together in a pasture;
  6. describe how specimen K (Bone meal) is produced using the dry process;
  7. mention the hosts of specimen Q (Roundworm);
  8. state the effects of specimen P(Tick) on its hosts;
  9. state the measures that could be used to control specimen Q(Roundworm).

General Recommendations from WAEC Chief Examiner

Based on the observed weaknesses, the Chief Examiners recommend as follow:

  1. a competent and a graduate of Animal Husbandry should be the instructors or teachers.
  2. syllabus must be covered by the teachers so that the candidates won’t be awestruck.
  3. The use of unapproved abbreviations should be disbanded and mark down in Schools’ Exams
  4. Legibility of writing should be emphasized

Observed Students’ Strength

The candidates performed very well in the following questions:

  1. give the reasons why farm animals are kept;
  2. classify cattle, goat, rabbit, horse, donkey, pig, snail and honey bee into ruminants and non ruminants;
  3. state the factors to be considered when formulating diet for farm animals;
  4. state the disadvantages of extensive system of keeping poultry;
  5. mention the advantages of the battery cage system for keeping layers;
  6. name the types of pasture;
  7. state the advantages and disadvantages of introduction as a method of animal improvement;
  8. explain the terms in-breeding and line breeding in animal improvement;
  9. give the names of mature female sheep, pig and rabbit;
  10. define the term parasite as used in livestock production;
  11. mention the signs that could be noticed in a sick goat;
  12. name the animals that can be affected by anthrax disease;
  13. give the symptoms of anthrax disease;
  14. state the advantages of castrating farm animals; and
  15. state the sources and the functions of carbohydrate in farm animal diet.

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