There may be many reasons making rounds, however, a reliable information from WAEC official has enumerated peculiar Reasons Why Candidates Fail WAEC Animal Husbandry 2016 Theory. Below are the reasons:

Candidates were unable to:

  1. state the management practices that are carried out daily on a livestock farm;
  2. mention devices that could be used in restraining farm animals;
  3. outline the steps involved in the branding of cattle;
  4. state the precautions that should be taken in dipping of sheep;
  5. state the ways in which brooding, debeaking and culling are important;
  6. give a function and a deficiency symptom of calcium, iodine, vitamin A and vitamin E;
  7. mention the equipment used in incubation of eggs;
  8. state the measures that a livestock farmer could adopt to control diseases on the farm.

Useful Tips on how to Pass WAEC (RECOMMENDATIONS)

As you can see, some of the reasons are avoidable and you are therefore counselled to take to the remedies while preparing for the next WAEC examination. Below are the remedies….

  1. Only competent graduates of Animal Science/Production should be saddled with the responsibility of teaching the subject in Senior Secondary Schools;
  2. Animal Husbandry should be taught as a practical oriented subject through laboratory activities, field trips, excursions etc.
  3. Adequate facilities and textbooks on Animal Husbandry should be made available to enhance the teaching-learning of Animal Husbandry in Senior Secondary Schools.

Candidates’ strength during the Examination

The candidates perform very well in questions testing the following topics:

  1. name the structures used for housing livestock;
  2. state the ways of improving pasture;
  3. name the organs of the digestive system of a rabbit;
  4. mention parasites of farm animals;
  5. enumerate ways in which the keeping of ruminants is important to the economy of a country;
  6. list management practices undertaken in cattle production;
  7. state the objectives of animal improvement;
  8. mention the signs that indicate that a pregnant animal is approaching parturition
  9. name disease causing organisms in livestock production;
  10. explain the terms ration, balanced diet, maintenance ration, production ration and malnutrition;
  11. give the uses of animal products such as honey, wool, horn, milk and egg;
  12. enumerate the advantages of artificial insemination;
  13. discuss methods of animal improvement.

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