Agricultural science practical isn’t a hard part of the subject in the exam but complacent and unfamiliarity with farming tools have been the leading causes for poor performance. This year’s Reasons Why Candidates Fail 2016 Animal Husbandry WAEC Practical are as well in line.

Based on the observed weaknesses the Chief Examiners recommended as follows:

  1. state the ways in which specimen A (Tapeworm) is of economic importance;
  2. mention the uses of specimen C (Hide of cattle);
  3. state the functions of specimen H (Gizzard) in farm animals;
  4. describe the features of specimen H (Gizzard) which enables it to perform its functions;
  5. mention the precautions that should be taken when using specimen J (Hurricane Lantern);
  6. mention the feedstuffs that could be used in feeding specimen K (Snail);
  7. outline the steps involved in processing specimen P (Blood) into blood meal;
  8. name the types of housing units for keeping specimen Q (Rabbit).

WAEC Recommendations in Boosting Candidate’s Performance

Gross examination of the year’s performance led to the following observations which could have add more grades to the students, were it be they keyed in. The following were recommended by the council.

The candidates were unable to:

  1. only competent graduates of Animal Science/Production should be saddled with the responsibility of teaching the subject Senior Secondary Schools;
  2. animal Husbandry should be taught as a practical oriented subject through laboratory activities, field trips, excursions, etc.
  3. adequate facilities and textbooks on Animal Husbandry should be made available to enhance the teaching-learning of Animal Husbandry in Senior Secondary Schools.
  4. spell technical terms
  5. write legibly.

General Candidate’s Strengths observed.

The candidates were able to;

  1. state the ways of controlling specimen A (Tapeworm);
  2. list the nutrients contained in specimen B (Fish meal);
  3. name the ectoparasites that could infest the farm animal from which specimen C (Hide of cattle) was obtained;
  4. mention the nutrients that could be found in specimen G (Raw milk);
  5. list the ways of preserving specimen G (Raw milk);
  6. name the farm animals which possess specimen H (Gizzard);
  7. state the disadvantages of using specimen J (Hurricane lantern) in a poultry house;
  8. state the uses of specimen K (Snail);
  9. enumerate the uses of specimen L (Knife) on an animal farm;
  10. name the nutrients supplied by blood meal;
  11. mention the products that could be obtained from specimen Q (Rabbit)
  12. name the ectoparasites that could infest specimen Q (Rabbit).

We have specially made you a portable Animal Husbandry handbook for each year, CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD

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