Physics requires smartness and carefulness when answering either the objective or theory session, therefore, some students rush over what demands their understanding before answering. This short article is address reasons why candidates fail 2019 Physics WAEC as it was released by the council [WAEC]

Candidates’ weakness

  1. Limited knowledge about optical fibres, semiconductors, binding energy and interpretation and application of velocity-time graph
  2. Inability to define terms correctly in Physics and careless skip of units of quantities in the final answer
  3. Inability to handle correctly calculations involving numbers expressed in standard form
  4. Bad handwriting
  5. Inability to distinguish between the terms “Define” and “Explain”
  6. Inability to follow instructions
  7. Inability to express comprehensively in English language

Suggested Remedies from the Chief Examiner

Based on the observed weaknesses, the Chief Examiners recommended as follows:

  1. Teachers should attend coordination exercises during marking to learn the current trend in marking
  2. Classroom instructions should be backed up with appropriate demonstration
  3. Teachers should expose students to more classwork and assignments
  4. Teachers should upgrade their teaching skills to embrace modern methodology
  5. Qualified Physics graduate should be recruited by the government
  6. Students should be more dedicated to their studies
  7. Students should be encouraged to buy Physics textbooks
  8. Students should be more dedicated to their studies

Candidates’ Strength

Many candidates were able to:

  1. Differentiate between emission and absorption spectra
  2. Differentiate between soft x-rays and hard x-rays
  3. Solve problems in projectiles
  4. To answer questions in velocity-time graph

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