In line with WAEC official data made available, the following are the Reasons Why Candidate Fails 2015 Financial Accounting WAEC. Read on…

  1. Candidates’ inability to answer question in bank reconciliation statement, classification of accounting ratios and manufacturing accounting terms;
  2. Lack of proper understanding of the basic principles of accounting;
  3. Non-coverage of syllabus before registering for the examination;
  4. Inadequate preparation for the examination;
  5. Candidates make used of abbreviation like B.S for (Balance Sheet), C. L. for (current Liability) F. A. for (Fixed Asset), etc.;
  6. poor use of English Language in explaining their points.


As familiar as the reasons are, many students willfully despised suggested remedies in the previous years before heading for the WAEC examination. You are therefore counselled to consider the outlined remedies while preparing for the next exam.

  1. The teaching of the basic principles of Financial Accounting must be emphasized in schools.
  2. Candidates should prepare very well by covering all aspects of the syllabus before writing the examination.
  3. Teachers should make use of past question papers as a revision exercise and educate the candidates on what is required for each question.
  4. Qualified teachers should be employed to teach the subject.
  5. Candidates should be taught to write in full instead of abbreviations.

General Demonstrated Candidates’ Strengths in the Exam

The candidates performed very well in questions testing the following topics

  1. Trial balance
  2. Control account
  3. Receipt and payment account
  4. Income and Expenditure Account
  5. Accounting ratios

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