Needless to say, that the information is meant to guide prospective candidates and subject’s instructor on the reasons why candidates fail 2014 Data Processing WAEC Practical. it will be of great benefits if you key into these advice as released by the WEAC official.

Candidates’ Weaknesses

Candidates were found wanting in the following areas:

  1. Inability to adhere to instructions
  2. Answering questions based on that which they have in their head rather than the questions asked
  3. Lack of proper use of the different computer packages
  4. Mass copy of a single print out/ a print out to several candidates due to lack of computers or printers
  5. Inability to print out the finished products

Suggested Remedies

It was suggested that to remedy this weakness:

  1. The exposure of candidates to as many practical sessions as possible in the use the computer and its different application packages
  2. Appropriate authorities should provide adequate and functional computer systems and accessories for candidates’ practice before examination
  3. Teachers themselves were required to master the use of computer systems and the different application packages to offer effective tutorship to candidates

Candidates’ Strengths

candidates were commended to have:

  1. Attempted all the questions providing some reasonable answers in spite of no prior practice questions
  2. Interpreted the task they were asked to perform though greeted with some wrong use of package(s)/lack of understanding of the right package(s).

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