There may be unnoticed reasons that made you to fail 2016 Financial accounting WAEC, however, as pinned down by the Exam’s body, the following are reasons why candidates fail WAEC financial accounting 2011. Read on….

Some of the weaknesses observed were:

  1. Candidates’ inability to answer questions on Branch Account.
  2. Lack of understanding of the basic principles of double entry in Financial Accounting.
  3. Inadequate preparation for the examination.
  4. Non-coverage of syllabus before registering for the examination.

Applicable information for passing the exam

WAEC has no gain nor joy when there is large percentage of failure in a particular subject and therefore, the body searched deeply to find out applicable tips. Here are they….

  1. Teachers should not neglect Branch Accounting as it is part of the syllabus and it must be taught
  2. The teaching of the Basic Principles of Financial Accounting must be emphasized in schools,
  3. Candidates’ should prepare very well by covering all aspects of the syllabus before writing the examination,
  4. Candidates’ should read the questions very well in order to understand the requirement of each question,
  5. More time should be devoted to the teaching and learning of English Language in schools as there are poor use of English.

Candidates’ strength during the Examination

The candidates perform very well in questions testing the following topics:

  1. Dissolution of Partnership
  2. Control Account
  3. Not-For- Profit Making Organization
  4. Public Sectors Accounting.

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