In accordance to the data made available by the council, the following reasons are the reasons why Candidates fail 2019 Commerce WAEC.

Some of the weaknesses observed in the candidates’ scripts are:

  1. Insufficient knowledge of the subject: Most of the candidates did not have good understanding and knowledge of the subject. As a result, they could not satisfactorily attempt the questions that need them to apply their knowledge of commerce,
  2. Many candidates did not do well in application and calculation questions. These are questions 2, 6 and 8.
  3. Also, the candidates’ performance in commodity exchange was poor.

Suggested remedies by WAEC

The following remedies were underpinned in order to reduce the number of prospective candidates that may fail commerce

  1. The candidates should be encouraged to study standard and recommended text books on commerce in their preparation for the examination.
  2. Teachers should teach students how to answer applied questions,
  3. Teachers should also expose students to calculation questions.

Candidates’ Strength

Many candidates have a good grasp of the following questions:

  1. reasons that would make a bank to dishonour a customer’s cheque
  2. advertising media and rail transport ‘ which are questions 3, 5a and 7b respectively
  3. Most candidates observed the rubrics and attempted the required numbers of questions

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