Based on the WAEC extracted information from the candidate’s scripts, the following well noticed reasons are said to have been the reasons why candidates fail 2014 Data Processing WAEC. As a prospective candidate and instruction, it is necessary to take to the guidelines and WAEC recommendations.

Candidates’ Weaknesses

Majority of the candidates were reported to have showed that they had little understanding of the contents of the examination syllabus. This was evident in their responses to:

  1. Acronyms
  2. Basic programming and
  3. Use of keywords in defining terms

Suggested Remedies

it was suggested that, to correct these weaknesses:

  1. That candidates be exposed to more laboratory sessions to enable them develop appropriate skills and hence, deeper understanding of the syllabus content
  2. The subject should be handled by qualified and well-motivated teachers
  3. Efforts should be made to expose the candidates to the basics, principles and theories of this subject

Candidates Strengths

  1. Candidates in their responses were reported to have shown the desire and ability for Computer Studies as a subject.
  2. Candidates recorded better performance in Questions 1(a) and 2(a) which were recall types.

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