A. publicity
B. exhibition
C. competition
D. free samples

Correct Answer: Option C

C. competition


Sales promotion tools

1. Samples

Samples are one of the most important tools of sales promotion. Samples are defined as offers to consumers of a small amount of a product for trial. Free samples are given to consumers to generate their interest in the product. Samples help consumers verify the quality of the product.

2. Coupons

A coupon is a certificate that fetches buyers a saving when they purchase a specified product. Coupons are generally issued along with the product. They entitle the holder to either a specified saving on a product or a cash refund.

3. Demonstration

Demonstration is required when products are complex and of a technical nature. Customers are educated as to how to make proper use of the product. Demonstration of products induces customers to buy.

4. Contests

Contests are the promotion events that give consumers the chance to win something such as cash, trips or goods. Contests are conducted to attract new customers.

5. Cash refund offer

Cash refund offers are rebates allowed from the price of the product. It is an offer to refund part of the purchase price of a product to consumers who send a proof of purchase to the manufacturer.

6. Premium

Premium refers to goods offered either free or at low cost as an incentive to buy a product.

7. ‘Price off’ offer

Goods are sold at reduced prices during slump season. Reduction in prices stimulates sale of goods.

8. Consumer sweepstakes

A sweepstake calls for consumers to submit their names for a draw. Names of consumers are included in a list of prize-winning contest. The lots are drawn and the winners get prizes.

Buyback allowances

Allowances are granted to buyers on the basis of their previous purchases. In other words, buyback allowances are given for new purchases, based on the quantity of goods bought previously.

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