by Sunday | Jan 5 | Literature In English JAMB
A. Simile B. Aside C. Parallelism D. Irony Correct Answer: Option C – Parallelism Explanation Parallelism is a literary device in which parts of the sentence are grammatically the same or similar in construction, it could be a word, phrase an entire sentence...
by Sunday | Jan 5 | Literature In English JAMB
A. Sentences B. Stanzas C. Danzas D. Line Grouping Correct Answer: Option B – Stanzas Explanation A group of lines in a poem is known as a stanza
by Sunday | Jan 5 | Literature In English JAMB
A. Synecdoche B. Prose C. Oxymoron D. Aside Correct Answer: Option C – Oxymoron Explanation Oxymoron is a figure of speech in which two opposite ideas are joined to create an effect. The common oxymoron phrase is a combination of an adjective proceeded by a noun...
by Sunday | Jan 5 | Literature In English JAMB
A. Climax B. Concrete C. Conflict D. Confident Correct Answer: Option A – Climax Explanation The climax or turning point of a narrative work is its point of highest tension between the protagonist and the antagonist in a...
by Sunday | Jan 5 | Literature In English JAMB
A. the writer of the drama B. the leading character C. the “nice guy” D. the actor Correct Answer: Option B – the leading character Explanation The protagonist is the leading character or the major characters in a play film or novel, the protagonist is the...