by Sunday | Jan 6 | Literature In English JAMB
”Chief, the boys are getting more expensive to handle. They continue to demand for increased pay and you know what you give for expenses. Please try and look into a possible increase in the overhead allocation. This smuggling racket is becoming too hot to handle...
by Sunday | Jan 6 | Literature In English JAMB
‘Chief, the buys are getting more expensive to handle. They continue to demand for increased pay and you know what you give for expenses. Please try and look into a possible increase in the overhead allocation. This smuggling racket is becoming too hot to handle...
by Sunday | Jan 6 | Literature In English JAMB
This question is based on William Shakespeare’s Othello. ‘No faith; she let it drop by negligence. And, to the advantage, I, being here, took up look, here it is.’ A. lago B. Cassio C. Desdemona D. Emilia Correct Answer: Option B –...
by Sunday | Jan 6 | Literature In English JAMB
This question is based on William Shakespeare’s Othello. A. bottle B. sword C. gun D. knife Correct Answer: Option B – sword
by Sunday | Jan 6 | Literature In English JAMB
This question is based on William Shakespeare’s Othello A. Montano B. Lago C. Cassio D. Roderigo Correct Answer: Option B – Lago