by Sunday | Jun 30 | Literature in English WEAC
A. imagery B. symbolism C. rhyme D. pun Correct Answer: Option C – rhyme
by Sunday | Jun 30 | Literature in English WEAC
A. Ode to the West Wind B. Freetown C. Ulysses D. No coffin, No grave Correct Answer: Option C – Ulysses
by Sunday | Jun 30 | Literature in English WEAC
A. Plot B. Theme C. Metre D. Subject Correct Answer: Option C – Metre
by Sunday | Jun 30 | Literature in English WEAC
Read the poem below and answer the question Diligent foot-worker legs lithe, foot loose to frantic drums and frenetic flutes Acrobat strokes swift in the air wrought masterly like a frenzied antelope Gyrating to the April music of the lush Savannah A. lyric B. ode C....
by Sunday | Jun 30 | Literature in English WEAC
Read the poem below and answer the question Diligent foot-worker legs lithe, foot loose to frantic drums and frenetic flutes Acrobat strokes swift in the air wrought masterly like a frenzied antelope Gyrating to the April music of the lush Savannah A. personification...