by Sunday | Dec 28 | Geography JAMB
A. the increase in international trade B. immigration from neighouring countries C. the rejection of family planning methods D. large-scale industrialization Correct Answer: Option D – large-scale industrialization
by Sunday | Dec 28 | Geography JAMB
A. Columbite B. Limonite C. Anthracite D. Lignite Correct Answer: Option B – Limonite
by Sunday | Dec 28 | Geography JAMB
A. urban primacy B. urbanization C. conurbation D. urban explosion Correct Answer: Option B – urbanization
by Sunday | Dec 28 | Geography JAMB
A. Tin B. Coal C. Gold D. Diamond Correct Answer: Option B – Coal
by Sunday | Dec 28 | Geography JAMB
A. prevailing winds and the rotation of the earth B. salinity of the ocean and the amount of freshwater inflow C. rotation of the earth and land and sea breezes D. shape of the continental and the temperature of the continental interior Correct Answer: Option A...