by Sunday | Dec 28 | Geography JAMB
A. a hum B. an arete C. a monadnock D. an inselberg Correct Answer: Option C – a monadnock
by Sunday | Dec 28 | Geography JAMB
A. acceleration of the processes within the system B. disruption of the processes within the system C. minimization of the processes within the system D. stabilization of the processes within the system Correct Answer: Option B – disruption of the processes...
by Sunday | Dec 28 | Geography JAMB
A. 15 hours B. 40 minutes C. 4 hours D. 4 minutes Correct Answer: Option D – 4 minutes
by Sunday | Dec 28 | Geography JAMB
A. needle leaves and softwood B. needle leaves and hardwood C. broad leaves and softwood D. broad leaves and hardwood Correct Answer: Option A – needle leaves and softwood
by Sunday | Dec 28 | Geography JAMB
A. dry conditions if winds are off shore B. dry coditions if winds are on shore C. wet conditions if winds are off shore D. wet conditions if winds are on shore Correct Answer: Option A – dry conditions if winds are off...