by Sunday | Sep 12 | Biology JAMB
A. mollusca B. reptilia C. arthropoda D. coelenterata Correct Answer: Option D – coelenterata
by Sunday | Sep 12 | Biology JAMB
A. hair B. cilium C. scale D. feather Correct Answer: Option A – hair
by Sunday | Sep 12 | Biology JAMB
A. dorsal and anal B. pectoral and pelvics C. caudal and dorsal D. anal and pelvics Correct Answer: Option B – pectoral and pelvics
by Sunday | Sep 12 | Biology JAMB
A. Fibrous root system, branched network of veins and one seed leaf B. Fibrous root system, two seed leaves and floral parts in threes C. One seed leaf, petals in threes or group of thees and parallel venation of leaves D. One seed leaf, net-veined leaves and petals...
by Sunday | Sep 12 | Biology JAMB
A. mates B. space C. light D. nutrients Correct Answer: Option C – light