by Sunday | Sep 12 | Biology JAMB
A. leucocytes B. thrombocytes C. phagocytes D. erythrocytes Correct Answer: Option D – erythrocytes
by Sunday | Sep 12 | Biology JAMB
A. oxygen B. acid C. alcohol D. water Correct Answer: Option C – alcohol
by Sunday | Sep 12 | Biology JAMB
A. maltose and glucose B. glycerol and fatty acid C. glucose and fructose D. mannose and galactose Correct Answer: Option C – glucose and fructose
by Sunday | Sep 12 | Biology JAMB
A. etiolated B. dormant C. sturdy D. stunted Correct Answer: Option A – etiolated
by Sunday | Sep 12 | Biology JAMB
A. calcium hydroxide B. copper sulphate C. calcium carbonate D. sodium hydroxide Correct Answer: Option A – calcium hydroxide