Are you looking for suggested courses you can study with E8 in Economics in WAEC or NECO?

If the answer you have for the question above is yes, then relax as we have helpful suggestions to your question.

We all know how vital Economics as a subject is to any social science course in Nigerian universities, polytechnics, and education colleges.

This subject is one of the critical subjects for commercial disciplines. This vitality explains why it’s made compulsory for aspirants who want to study marketing, Economics, and so on.

Some of those requirements involve having a minimum of Credit in Economics in the O-Level Certificate (WAEC, NECO, GCE, etc.) for some courses.

Does that mean that all hope has been lost because of E8 in Economics in WAEC or NECO? Not at all. There are numerous suggestions for courses aspirants with (E8) in Economics can study in Universities in Nigeria.

This article will enumerate suggested courses you can study in Universities in Nigeria O’level Pass (E8) in Economics


Our list is based primarily on two factors: Relevancy in the job market and job opportunities upon graduation.


The source of this information is directly from the Official JAMB Brochure. These courses/universities listed below are special consideration/waivers listed in the JAMB brochure.

The Suggested courses to study with E8 in Economics

  • Accounting.
  • Banking and Finance.
  • Business Administration.
  • Business Management.
  • Cooperative and Rural Development.
  • Demography and Social Statistics.
  • Geography
  • Geography education
  • Urban and regional planning.
  • Industrial Relations in Economics.
  • International Relations.
  • History and International Studies
  • English and Literary Studies.
  • Hausa language
  • Igbo language
  • Yoruba language
  • History and International Studies.
  • Mass Communication.

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