A little background for every candidate who’s curious about what this article will be covering

As far as Nigeria and its institution are concerned, it is best advisable to study a course related to the subject you are very good at during your secondary school education days. It ensures multiple distinctions across your course subjects at university. Since they are all related to the subject, you are good at.

So in this post, we will briefly discuss the suggested courses to study if you’re good at Geography

In general, geography is considered a science that attempts to explain the world around us and its impact. Those who are good at it can choose to study any of the suggested courses below

List of Suggested Courses To Study If You Are Good At Geography

BSc (Bachelor of Science) in Geology

Geology is one of Nigeria’s marketable courses in geographical sciences. It is an excellent course to study at university. After graduation, you can work in any oil and gas company in Nigeria. And in Nigeria of today, Oil and Gas Company is one of the highest paying companies in Nigeria

BSc (Bachelor of Science) in Geography

This course focuses on how the world’s population impacts the globe and is required for further study in the field. Topics include population growth, economic development, urbanization, resource allocation, land use, and geopolitics. Human geography courses also introduce you to computer programs, satellite systems, and other technologies used in the field.

BSc (Bachelor of Science) in Geography and Regional Planning

The basic aim of this course is to provide the right empirical and theoretical-practical pieces of knowledge that enable students to understand, analyze, and interpret spatial patterns of human activities and natural processes operating on the earth’s surface.



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