(i) The reasons why a business man uses news paper for advertising his goods are:

(a) Circulates throughout the country
(b) Can be printed in many languages
(c) It can be preserved for future use
(d) Circulates daily.
(e) It can be presented in various colours

(ii) Business man uses television as a means of advertising because of the following:

(a) It combines sight and sound
(b) It uses colour
(c) It covers wide range of goods
(d) It is suitable for target audience
(e) It has instant effect through pictorial demonstration
(f) It appeals to different classes of people who watches it

(iii) Radio is used as a means of advertising by business man because of the following

(a) Nearly all homes possess radio set.
(b) Covers all nook and corners
(c) Various languages could be used to reach the people
(d) Slogans or catchy words are often used

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